A Bit About Everything

I’m throwing a bunch of stuff together into one giant, magical post because I can’t be bothered to make separate posts for all of it. So hold onto your hats ladies and gentlemen, here we go.

Firstly, I realized I haven’t talked at all about my town, my school, or my flat! Speaking of “flats”, I’ve found myself gradually switching to British English because that’s what they tend to teach in the schools here. Continue reading

Lake Balaton

On Saturday I took a (long) day trip to a couple towns on Lake Balaton— central Europe’s largest lake! My lovely coworker Krista offered to take me along, as she and her husband were already going with their American high school exchange student. Unfortunately for central Europe, a Michigan native is probably the worst person to attempt to impress with a big lake. However, it was still incredibly beautiful. The mountains (Hungarians like to call them “hills” but they sure look like mountains to me) that border the lake were breathtaking, especially from our view in Tihany. Continue reading